Wednesday, March 23, 2016

How to make your tile grout look like new again!

After all my upgrading and renovations, I never got around to cleaning out the grout on my tiles in the kitchen and hallway since I had bought my place. They were yucky and stained, I wanted to just rip the tiles out and get all new a perfect world if I had the money to do it!

Be prepared folks, because the transformation is insane! I looked at the floor today and said, "That's it! It's happening." Grabbed my purse and walked down to the dollar store and picked up a few essentials I didn't already have around, and came back and went to work. And boy was it a lot of work...

This is a tedious job, especially depending on how many square footage of tile you have, but it is definitely worth it. Just don't say I didn't warn you though :) 

So here is the list of what you will need (most you will probably already have laying around the house)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Baking Soda
  • Good scrubbing brush (I used a denture brush cleaner, I thought it worked great)
  • 2 empty containers
  • Big sponge (optional)
Step 1- Make sure your floor is nice and clean from debris (obviously).
Step 2- Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in one container to get a nice paste consistency.
Step 3- Fill the second container with clean water (you will need to keep switching out the water when it gets too dirty so you don't put dirty water back in the grout)
Step 4- Go to town and start scrubbing away. You will want to take your time with it to allow the mixture to penetrate through the pores in the grout.
Step 5- After cleaning through with the paste mixture, I soaked the denture brush in the container with water and scrubbed through the grout lines I just worked on.. and so on.
Step 6- To keep the area somewhat clean, I just used my big sponge and wiped away the residue right away as I went to save time. 
Step 7- Let mixture sit on grout for a few minutes and then mop your floors, and Voila!! 

Hope you guys enjoyed my blog and hope this helps you as it did with me! Be right back as I go and enjoy my "new" floors! :) 

Pictures are below. 

What you will need

Wish I got a better before picture, but you catch the drift.. urgh

Goodbye nasty stains

Letting paste penetrate through the grout

Mopped floors, can't get over how much brighter the floors look. 

AFTER!! :) No more dark stains, yay! What a difference!

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